- All Users are registered as Pilots in the start.
- Each pilot user will be started with $1000,000 as paper money in their Benchmark, Pipeline(i.e. SHADO) and Simulated Portfolio Accounts.
- Criteria to establish a Winner
- MUST be registered as pilot user for at least 30 days
- MUST be current on registration fees ( i.e. no dues)
- MUST have highest number of stars on Live Account
- MUST have recorded the analysis for atleast 30% of all Trades placed in their Live Accounts.
- Criteria to calculate Stars
- Highest emphasis is given to Alpha, Max 2 Stars depending upon by how much margin the Target Alpha is exceeded.
- Beta, PercentReturn, MarginalVar or Var , Information Ratio, Sharpe Ratio will each have maximum one star if target is exceeded or else 1 - distance from target.